Chesnut Lodge



"Opening minds, unlocking potential, celebrating success."



"Through high quality collaboration, Chesnut Lodge School aims to equip all members of the school community with:

  • The skills and knowledge to lead a healthy, fulfilled lifestyle .
  • The ability to self-reflect and build on emotional resilience. 
  •  A safe, secure and stimulating learning environment through a person centred approach.
  •  Opportunities to develop understanding of how to stay safe and make good choices in life.
  •  Enjoyable and challenging learning experiences which enable all to reach their full potential.
  •  Opportunities to celebrate each individual’s own achievement, effort and personal success.
  •  A passion for life-long learning by developing self confidence, intellectual curiosity and a thirst for discovery and achievement."


This video has been directed, filmed and edited by Secondary 3 as part of their Creative Arts work.