
The school has a uniform and all students are expected to wear it daily unless there has been a specific agreement with the headteacher due to the student's needs.


Foundation Stage Uniform

Blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school crest

Yellow polo neck t-shirt with school crest

Grey/black trousers or skirt


Primary School Uniform:

Blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school crest

White polo neck t-shirt with school crest

Grey/black trousers or skirt

Black shoes                                            Summer Term: Optional blue checked summer dress.

Secondary School Uniform:

Blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school crest

White shirt

Blue striped school tie (available from the school office for £4)

Grey/black trousers or skirt

Black shoes                                         Summer Term: Optional blue checked summer dress.

PE Kit:

Plain Blue Shorts

Plain White T-Shirt

Black Pumps


To order simply follow the School Trends link below. Payment can be made online or by cheque. Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet you can ask for an order form from the school office and order by post.